Post Covid
It has truly been one hell of year!
When an arc is struck between the metal rod (electrode) and the workpiece, both the rod and workpiece surface melt to form a weld pool. Simultaneous melting of the flux coating on the rod will form gas and slag which protects the weld pool from the surrounding atmosphere.
OK GoldRox is a true all-round and all-position rutile electrode. With exceptional arc stability and reduced spatter...
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Top Features A rutile stainless steel electrode for 304L or equivalent steels Smooth weld appearance Minimum spatter...
Top Features A rutile-basic stainless steel electrode for 316L or equivalent steels Smooth weld appearance Minimum...
Top Features A rutile-basic all position stainless steel electrode for 304L or equivalent steels Mirror like bead...
Top Features A rutile-basic all position stainless steel electrode for 316L or equivalent steels Molybdenum level min....
During these uncertain times, we feel it is now necessary to inform our customers of our next steps during this outbreak.
Christmas is well and truly on its way, the John Lewis advert has hit our screens and the Christmas songs are blasting down the radio, with that being said we would like to inform our customers of our Christmas shutdown period.