Post Covid
It has truly been one hell of year!
Sifbronze No.1 - Original multi-purpose Sifbronze low temperature rod for brazing and bronze welding of steels, cast iron, copper and its alloys. Ideally suited for general mild steel work, galvanised steel and dissimilar metal applications.
Sifbronze No.101 - A special brazing rod containing specific additions of Manganese and Tin, giving it free flowing characteristics. It is particuarly suitable for use with Gas Flux.
Silicon Bronze No.1 - General purpose brazing rod used for brazing steel, copper alloys, cast iron, nickel alloys & stainless steel.
Silicon Bronze C2Brazing Rods Cu59 ZnSnMnGeneral purpose brazing rod used for brazing steel, copper alloys, cast iron,...
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New category
During these uncertain times, we feel it is now necessary to inform our customers of our next steps during this outbreak.
Christmas is well and truly on its way, the John Lewis advert has hit our screens and the Christmas songs are blasting down the radio, with that being said we would like to inform our customers of our Christmas shutdown period.